As a mother you are expected to make sure that the things get done that should be done. Teeth need to be brushed, dinner on the table, homework checked over, laundry folded and put away in the right locations, house straighted, and kids driven to school. But, what happens when mommy gets sick?
My oldest daughter is know for not getting sick. Her record is 4 years since the last illness! So the other day she was acting a bit funny and not making any since. I checked her temp only to find she was a hundred and 3.5! Now the hard part was getting her to go to bed and rest. She is stubborn and refuses to believe anything is wrong with her at all. Then the throwing up started. This is one of any mothers most dreaded things, right below pooing everywhere.
So, once again I called up my now favorite Dr in the whole wide world, Dr Bean, and explained what was happening. Her sister just had
Phenomia, and they share a room. Could Aspen have caught it from her? He got me in right away. She just has the stomach flu thank heavens, but no fun just the same. He gave her some medicine that knocked my stubborn girl right out. She slept for 5 hours!
I thought I had it all under control. Jordan was nearly better, Micah has no symptoms at all, and Aspen was resting and will be better in no time. Then it happened! I woke up and hurt all over. I checked my temp to find that I was well into the 100s. I could hardly get out of bed, but knew that Jordan needed help getting ready and her lunch was needing to be fixed. I just wanted to cry! I prayed that I could just make it through the morning and then have Aspen help me take care of Micah. But wait! Aspen is sick too, and would be of no help for me. So, I did what I thought was best and put on
Micahs Monster truck movie that would keep him busy for 2 hours, and I laid down on the couch, cried, and fell asleep.
I woke up when he threw his
sippy cup on my head leaving a small bruise on my temple. His movie was over and he was wanting my full attention now. I felt even worse than I did that morning, but he is only 1 1/2 and all my trying to reason with him left him looking confused.
I ended up reading him a few books, and singing a lot of songs before he was contented enough to go play with his train set in his room for half an hour.
Aspen on the other hand had gotten up and was moaning and groaning about her tummy hurting and could I help her make soup? We made some homemade chicken and rice soup because I had no cans that would do.
As I stood over the hot stove cooking the soup, I started feeling like throwing up. So I ran to the toilet and missed it. I now have it all over the floor, and some more on the walls. More work to do in a bit. Right now I had to get back to the soup that needed stirring.
So, back at the stove I was. I had informed Aspen to avoid the bathroom because I needed to tend to it later. At this point I remembered I had to wash Jordan a pair of shorts for school tomorrow. She had been so sweet and asked me to wash them because all her friends were wearing the same thing tomorrow. I now had laundry that I would have to struggle through so as to not disappoint my little one. GREAT!
The straw that finally broke the
mommys back was while Micah was in there playing so nicely with his new train set he took off his pants and diaper (see where I am heading?) I went to check on him only to find him (and half his room) covered in what looks like guacamole, but in no way smelt like it.
AGHHI put him in the tub, took some more medicine for my rising temp and cried again.
Aspen was now unable to eat her food because of the horrible smell filling the house. I put it in the fridge for later.
After cleaning bathroom and
Micahs bedroom I was no longer able to stand without my head pounding. I laid Micah down for a nap, put Aspen back to bed, and tried to close my eyes for a minute.
HAHAInstead of a rest I got 4 phone calls and a repair man in my house fixing a leak I had called in a week ago. Oh, and dinner is getting taken care of. I am defrosting a yummy meatloaf from a friend. It is at
these moments that I am thankful for the cooking club!
Then it is off to pick up my middle child from school and go over her homework and oversee the chores.
I feel for my hubby when he comes home
because I am locking
myself in the bathroom and taking a long bath. Then I am going to bed!
Lord, please be with my family and all the sickness that is in it right now. I pray that I can get back on my feet quickly. My family needs me to be at my best and not sick. Be over all the people we have been around lately and help them to not catch any of our illness.