San Diego 07

Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Frantic Reader

I have recommitted myself to the flylady again. I tried to listen to her in the past, but the constant emails and testimonies, and suggestions drove me crazy, I stopped and asked myself if I even really did want to shine my stinking sink everyday! I have put these past thoughts behind me, and signed back up for her help. I don't want to spend all of my time cleaning, and she really is a life saver. I chose the option to get all the emails at once, and on one email. Not 20 emails in the box, just one with that days items in it. Thank you FLYLADY
Jordan has been gone for 1 week now, and her absence if felt by all. She is the talker in the house, and now we all kinda look at each other for them to like to start up a conversation. She called today to let us all know how much fun she is having and that she was not drinking too much soda, and was being a very sweet girl to all her friends. See, the power of a parent who comes before the Lord on their child's behalf is heard.
That is about all the news I have here.
OH, I did get the laundry room painted and we are going to hang the shelf and mirror in it tomorrow! I love home improvement. ok, I really dont, but I do like the finished product.
I wanted to close this on something I read the other day while skimming through Homeschooling help books. It actually made me cry. (could be hormones)
"God is so smart. I think He knows that if He told us all ahead of time what was to be in store for our lives, we would all certainly opt out earlier.He knows that if we stick with Him and do what He has set before us- because we know it is a rough job but somebody has to do it, Because we know that He is able even when we are not -He is always able to pull off great things in spite of us."
It went on to say that if you are feeling like you can't handle homeschooling your child,and that you don't know where to begin or what you should teach, then perhaps you are thinking about "you" and not God or your blessed child.
Thank you God for knowing my struggles and being there for me to cry to when nobody else is around. Thank you for my sweet Aspen, who has taught me so much these last couple of months. Thanks you God for Jordan, for all her witty humor, her sweetness to anyone, and the art of conversation. also thank you for Micah, who is proving to be both entertaining and enjoyable during the schooling hours. I see him learning to pray with the family, and my heart cries out with happiness.
You are an awesome God

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