San Diego 07

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

my hero

School has started for me!!! I am so excited and overwhelmed at the same time. I love going to school and learning. I feel so good when I am reading a textbook and taking notes. I am a true nerd at heart! It is something I can deal with. I also have a grade point average of 3.75 (not bragging or anything:)

Other things going on in my house..... I started a "No TV on school nights" rule around my house, and so I am no longer the favorite parent of the house. I am not sad about it though. All good things must come to an end, and my husband is loving that he is top dog in their eyes. I instead have them read, write, or color. I read a book (surprised?) that suggested this as a way to get children to love reading. Just take away the TV option and all the rest of the pieces will fall into place. It has been a week and I have caught my children reading books with such a look of joy on their faces. Although this is not something I want them to know I know just yet as I am not too liked and it may backfire if they know this was my true purpose after all.

Aspen has been getting a lot of babysitting jobs lately and for that I am thankful. I think it is great she is able to make her own money and she has been putting it away in savings. I am bursting with pride. I need to learn from her.

Most of the illness is out of my house. Micah has what looks like the same thing as his sisters had, but he is coming out of it rather nicely. A few more days and then it should be over. After that there will be nobody left in this house that can catch it. Praise God!

Funny story. As stated in an earlier post, my son has been taking off his diaper a lot! We figured it was time to potty train and bought a little boy potty for him. He thinks it is a place to hold his toy cars, but at least he is not scared of it. Well... I have been putting him to bed nearly fully dressed each night so as to keep him from getting to his diaper and making a huge mess. I did this last night and when I walked into his room this morning i could tell something was wrong. It stunk so bad! I turned on the light and yelled for my husband to get in there and help me. My little escape artist had managed to take off his clothing and diaper and had taken what looked like a babyruth poo in the middle of his bed. My husband told me to grab Micah while he cleaned up the bed (knowing that poo is not something I like to deal with) Blame it on the early morning fog, but my husband lifted up the mattress to get the sheet off and the poo went a flying! I heard the sick THUD as it hit the floor and split into sections. Pieces rolling everywhere. Well, I was out of there as fast as my legs could carry me. Need to duck tape that diaper on him! Is that considered legal?

That is all for now